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Basket Checkout

The Shop extension comes with 7 predefined checkout types. These are:

  • request
  • prePayment
  • onInvoice
  • payPal (requires Pro Version of the Shop extension)
  • payPalPlus (requires Pro Version of the Shop extension)
  • klarna (requires Pro Version of the Shop extension)
  • stripe (requires Pro Version of the Shop extension)

General configuration

  • checkoutPid Enter the page UID of the checkout page.
  • minimummOrderValue Enter the minimum order value (in cents).
  • timeForPayment Enter the giving amount of days for payment.
  • deliveryTime Enter an optional text for describing the delivery time for payment.
  • orderOptions Define the checkout types here. We will look at this in more detail in another section.
  • fieldDefinition Configure the form fields for checkout. These are configured in the respective TypoScript node to make them available in the various checkouts.

Further checkout-specific configurations can be found on the relevant documentation page.

TypoScript configuration checkout basis

plugin.tx_shop.settings.basketOrder {
    # Page-ID des Checkout
    checkoutPid = {$}
    # Minimum order value in cents
    minimumOrderValue = {$}
    # Time for payment in days default value
    timeForPayment = {$}
    # Default string for delivery time notice in basket above the additional costs
    deliveryTime =
    # VAT information depending on country and b2b/b2c
    vat {
        b2b {
            inland {
                notice = Es handelt sich um eine Inland-Lieferung an ein Unternehmen.<br />Ihre USt.-ID: %1$s
            europeanUnion {
                # Parameter is VAT-ID in basket order
                notice = Es handelt sich um eine steuerbefreite innergemeinschaftliche Lieferung gem. §4 Nr. 1b UstG.<br />Unsere USt.-ID: DE 123 456 789<br />Ihre USt.-ID: %1$s
            thirdCountry {
                notice = Es handelt sich um eine steuerbefreite Ausfuhrlieferung gem. §4 Nr. 1a UstG.
        b2c {
            inland {
                notice = Es handelt sich um eine Inland-Lieferung an eine Privatperson.
            europeanUnion {
                notice = Es handelt sich um eine innergemeinschaftliche Lieferung an eine Privatperson.
            thirdCountry {
                notice = Es handelt sich um eine steuerbefreite Ausfuhrlieferung gem. §4 Nr. 1a UstG.
    orderOptions {
        # Different order options