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Shop Integration


Adding a global shopping basket button

You need to put a global shopping basket button on your page otherwise it will not be possible to add products to the shopping basket!

The shopping basket button can be included either as a content element or as a TypoScript marker.

  1. Adding the predefined shopping basket button marker in the Fluid template:
    <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="" />
  2. Adding the predefined shopping basket button in TypoScript:
    page = PAGE
    page {
      10 = USER
      10 <
      # ...

Alternatively, add the shopping basket button as a plugin.



To include a global search field for products, just add the following marker in fluid:

<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="" />

Alternatively, add quicksearch using TypoScript:

page = PAGE
page {
  20 = USER
  20 <
  # ...

Flash messages

The Shop extension uses a global HTML wrapper for displaying messages.

Add this wrapper to your page with TypoScript:

page = PAGE
page {
  30 = TEXT
  30.value = <div id="shop-flash-messages" style="position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0"></div>